Monday 21 November 2016

The storyboard for our opening scene

The start of the opening will begin with the credits shown on a blank, black screen and then after a few seconds of the main production title credits the rest of the credits will be over a moving image as the opening fully begins. The first moving image will be of an alarm clock going off which will instantly create an urgent tone to the thriller. The camera then follows the girls personal things that give the audience an indication of the girls personality before seeing the girl. Items such as pills to show her mental issues, lipgloss- to show her femininity and unfinished bar of chocolate could possibly indicate she is a teenager and has less control of her diet. The camera will then focus on her diary and focus on the words ' i saw him ' and the book is closed by her.

The Camera then focuses on the girl and her eyes open wide and dramatically.and the alarm goes off again. The location then changes into the girl at her sink and she throws the remainder of her pills down the sink, showing she isn't helping her illness.

The shots of her show she is very alone so the scenes are often quite empty and there isn't much going on. Then the camera will focus on the door of her opening and on the other side leaving and shutting it. In her notes it will shows that she has an appointment at a particular time. On her way to the doctors she sees the man and looks back then looks forward then looks forward again and isnt there. she then waits for the bus and sees him once again. Close up of the girl with a fearful face as this man is appearing out of nowhere.

On her way back from leaving the doctors the man is staring at her behind a pillar but she doesn't see him and then sees the man in a crowd and he is focussed on or he walks past her directly and bumps into her but when she looks up he is not there. 

When she gets home throws her pills on the bed or something like that and goes to the bathroom with her phone. She is looking in the mirror at herself and receives a text she looks at the photo message and it is of her at that exact moment. Close up of a confused, scared face and she looks back down at the photo again and when she looks back up again the man is standing right behind her.

Kaeja and Naomi

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