Monday 7 November 2016


The genres I have considered choosing for my title sequence are; Thriller, Teenage Drama and comedy. The main  reasons why I was considering these genres is because they all are popular with my target audience that I'd like to aim my film at (12 years +).

The genre teenage drama appealed most to me because all of the props needed we would have easy access to due to the fact we are teenagers and attend a collage.Also I myself really enjoy teenage dramas because they are always relateable and humerus which is what you expect to see when watching a film. 

The genre of comedy also appealed to me because its generally attracts all ages which means it would be a success film genre to make.Comedy is also really light hearted and isn't two difficult to create as there aren't many conventions that need to be followed apart from  the allpication of continuous jokes embedded in the script. Comedy is also a film type in forces social gathering similarly to thriller movies.

Thriller is in my opinion one of the best genres as it successful in engaging the audience and always keeps them on there toes.the only issue with this genre is that it doesn't appeal to a large enough audience and as a result of this may not be as successful as intended. Also thrillers have a great story line but often it's difficult to apply particular conventions without being too cliché.

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