Friday 4 November 2016

Genre shortlist

In my title sequence the genres i have thought about choosing were:

 The first genre i might chose is drama as this could be interpreted in many different ways and leads a lot more to the imagination and variations of plot. The importance of this is because it means there is a variety of different circumstances we can chose from with a drama. This is a positive as it means less people will have a similar idea to our piece. Dramas are also extremely effective and gripping to watch however they rely a lot more on the actors to provide realism and to make it effective. This could also possibly be the easiest to film as it may require less movement than something like action and horror may contain. An extremely interesting and effective drama is an births production film called 'Murdered by my Boyfriend' this was good because all the aspects of it felt so real above this it was also based on a true story which adds to the element that dramas are extremely insightful and interesting because usually situations are relatable or can happen which make it very gripping to an audience.

I like the idea of creating a thriller title sequence as thrillers are constantly entertaining and exciting to watch and will definitely make the audience wonder what happens next and keep them intrigued. Horrors are also exciting because they contain many connotations that we could use in our title sequence to highlight the horror aspect and that would be really effective and worthwhile because it would overall make a good finished piece. However many people may to horrors so it is very likely that someone commits to a very similar idea as our group so it may look less original. A very well done thriller/horror is the film ' The Silence of the Lambs' this a really good representation of this genre as it provides a good mount of climax building moments to make the audience feel a certain type of way at the right point, it keeps the audience extremely attached and glued to the screen as it provides a sinister, interesting story line that makes you want to find out more.

Actions are always fun and keep the audience on their toes. beginning with action at the start at the movie will engage an audience really well as it will raise the viewers adrenaline whilst watching it and make it instantly exciting. Despite this actions contain a lot of movement which may cause the way it is filmed to look wobbly if not done correctly. Also making an action lasting within the space of two minutes makes it hard to have variation of plot because it is only two minutes it will be generic ideas for an action movie for example running and being chased. An exciting action is 'fast and furious' there are so many that there is clearly something which attracts a wide audience to it. the thrilling, adrenaline filled scenes provide a sense of importance to the audience as it feels like they are experiencing the action live and a part of the movie themselves. Therefore this achieves the action affect perfectly which is desired by the viewers, however movies like these often need a lot more financial support because of the expense of the equipment, mise-en-scene.

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