Friday 25 November 2016


The use of sound in psychological thrillers is very important in order to create an atmosphere of tension and suspense. These sounds are what make the scene more tense, jumpy and has the audience feeling ON EDGE with each movement. It gives us the audience an idea of how the character is feeling. The audience can tell by the type of music whether it's getting louder, more eerie and high pitched that something could jump out at any moment and when the music relaxes again for when nothing is expected. Music is used as a kind of warning, and to get the full atmosphere.

Other psychological thriller sounds involve around rain, thunderclap, footsteps, loud bangs, scratching of the floor whispering and screams. Most of the sounds are from music they created to fit well into the scene.

Rain I would say is the most common and stereotypical of psychological thriller sounds. Its meant to be a calming element but something about rain is rather menacing it's unlikely to have good outcomes, unless coming from a romance. An example of rain is throughout Identity.  

Identity focus there opening sequence around a storm. Storms are always associated with having a bad day because its insinuated with negative emotions and then with that things going wrong, so from the start of hearing the rain and only rain you can tell something will take a bad turn. There is also a lot of lightning and thunder. Lightning always means something is going to break or strike sudden as which thunder does.  During Identity everyones experiencing some sort of car trouble. The thunder is used as loud bangs to create intense and jumpy scenes.

Above is my very first example of our soundtrack I have included both whispering and a rainy weather soundtrack in order to follow the conventions of thriller openings.The whispering in my sound track is used in order to communicate the fact our main character has a mental illness and is hearing voices which are causing her paranoia.The rain used in my sound track is to express feelings and emotions of the main character whilst she completing her journey to the doctors also rain also creates a melancholy atmosphere helping the audience empathise with the character.


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