Monday 7 November 2016



The YouGov profile of Black swan confirms that the majority of audience members were women aged 25-39.  They tend to read magazines and newspapers and a popular pet for them is cats. This information would indicate that they are intellectual and they could have a caring nature shown through their interest of pets. Therefore when we conduct our public research we will definitely target people of that specific group.


The main gender that watched 'Donnie Darko' were males aged 25-39. The people that tend to watch this have an interest of culture and the arts and the top region who have watched it was Yorkshire. From this I can infer that the people that watch this are intellectual and spend their spare time watching films.  


We Conducted spoken survey were we asked random people between the age range of 25-31 particular questions based upon our survey. From the research we have collected we now know that the YouGov profiles are corrected and that our audience will be aimed at the following age range also we did some additional research with young people between the ages 16-18 and according to our research they would also be a good audience to aim our film at. After asking our final question and explaining our film idea  both ages said that they would be interested to watch our film.

By Naomi and Kaeja and Kirsty

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