Thursday 17 November 2016

Sound design

Non diegetic sound such as mood music will be very important in our piece.
This video from youtube has the perfect background sound for our piece as it creates such a deeply tense atmosphere and tone and adds to the conventions of our genre. Above this sound we will layer more audios to further present the thriller and the main parts we want the audience to recognise. The video is legal to use as in the description it says download for free etc so we don't have to worry about copyright laws for this sound. To add more tension at specific parts we could have this sound very low in the background then possibly raise the sound at more dramatic parts.

The sound in this video also set a great tone for a thriller but i feel as this can be the background music that rises at tense parts for example when she sees the man. I think the first song in the video is very sinister and fits perfectly. This video is also fine to use and legal as stated in the description below it says you are able to download.

As well as this i would like to add minor sound effects like a heart pumping etc to add suspension and a sense of urgency.
At the start of the credits there will be an image of a alarm clock therefore we should have the sound synchronised with it in the ticking. There will also be more non diegetic sounds such like trains going, cars driving, breathing, footsteps etc.


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