Monday 28 November 2016


Based on the feedback given to us after our pitch, i decided to do further research into some areas we were questioned about. For example, we were asked about the symptoms and side effects of being diagnosed with schizophrenia as this disorder plays a significant part in our film. I thought it would be appropriate to do some further research into this illness to ensure we do not offended anyone and we get our facts right. I visited to find out more about the symptoms involved when struggling with this mental illness, and how we could accurately convey this within our opening sequence.

 For example, i discovered that negative symptoms that may occur includes a lack of motivation, less interest in socialising, and a change in sleep patterns. We will aim to depict some of these symptoms in order to achieve a more realistic account of what it may be like to live with this disorder. As many people can suffer with a change in sleep patters, when we show the close up of the alarm clock - we will show our protagonist awakening at an unusual time, to give an insight into her illness. We will try to show the lack of motivation through our protagonists bedroom and attire. The bedroom we are using includes a mattress on the floor, with very minimal decoration - which is not really what you would expect from an average teenager. The costume she will be wearing will include jeans, a hoodie, and trainers - this will prove she is not worried about impressing anyone as she has less of an interest in socialising than possibly an average teen would. 

As it is very common for people who suffer with schizophrenia to differentiate between the reality and non-reality, this is something we really want to shown within the opening scene. We will attempt this when editing by slowing down some clips and speeding up others to make it seem like we're inside the protagonists head. 

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