Monday 21 November 2016


(written by Sophie)

There are many risks we will come across when traveling to and from our locations, and even when filming. Traffic in London is a huge risk as if we are not careful there is a chance of being hit by oncoming traffic; to prevent any risk of this we will continue to be street smart and remember to be aware of our surroundings like we do usually. 

Another risk we may come across is losing equipment or equipment being stolen. As we will be carrying a lot of expensive equipment, we may become a target for theft. To prevent any kind of theft or loss we will make sure we be aware of the people around us and make sure we are in a public place at all times surrounded by people. We will make sure to keep the equipment with us at all times in the bag when not being used, this will prevent people knowing what we have with us. 

Another limitation we may come across is the weather; this will play a huge part in the filming that will take place. We cannot film outside when it is raining due to the damage of the equipment. Also it may be a hazard for us as there is a possibility we may fall hurting ourselves or people around us. Although we cannot prevent the weather, we can look at the forecast the evening before and decide what to film and when is the best time to do that. 

A risk may be annoyance to the public. If we film people who may not want to be filmed or in the shot this may cause chaos to the individual and the public as a whole. To prevent this we will ask consent for each person present in the film and also ask for permission if filming in a private location. We will try and stay out of the publics way by choosing locations we can film from effectively without disturbance. 

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