Saturday 5 November 2016

Importance of sound in films

Sound is extremely influential in films as the difference in sounds or the absence of certain sounds build the overall atmosphere and tone of the scene. Sound can instantly add a certain desired aspect to the film for instance in a horror a tense build up sound track is used commonly as it creates anxiety for the audience which adds to the scary aspect of the film. Without this the effect that the directors would want for this genre may not be achieved, this is one of the many ways why sound is so necessary in film. Much like image, sound is a very important part of production as it also helps to tell the story and keep the plot moving for example dialogue gives insight of characters and what is happening in the story. Sound also expresses feelings, tones and atmosphere of the characters and the film. Sound also will make the audience pay attention to the most necessary parts. For example in synchronised sound a door may be opened but the audience may not attention to this part without sound, but this part may be essential to the story, however when sound it added to it in the sound what the door would really make and perhaps made louder, it will emphasise the realism in the piece and may cause alarm and suspense to this particular part because we are made to notice the click of the door, therefore it can create suspension.

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