Thursday 10 November 2016

My logo creation

i created the logo of two crescent moon shapes placed in between each other because it has a mysterious interesting and aesthetic look. Therefore i thought it would suit the genre of the film perfectly because of these factors. I created the production company name " 22 VISUALS" because i think it sounds professional and has part of our groups identity in it as we are group number 22 so it has a meaning for the number. The visuals part as well as sounding professional it also accounts for what our production provide.

I reasearched into other ident logos for film production companies and found that i really like the more plain and simple ones such as this...  

Despite liking the simple ones I did seem to recognise the other idents a lot more that had a distinct image to it this is probably due to the type of movies I watch and the fact that is a widely known production company. Such as paramount, Walt disney, MGM, Columbia pictures etc. However as my film is supposed to be an independent film i think it fortunately works better if the ident is simplistic but at the same tme rememerable.

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