Thursday 13 October 2016

Title sequence

The purpose of a Title Sequence

The purpose of a title sequence can be many be many things for example to give recognition to the actors. It can also show the importance of the actors that worked on the film for instance, if the credits were to say 'with' instead of 'and' that means there is an important and recognizable actor in the film. It can also display the genre of the film so that people can have a idea of what they are watching and it shows the billing order which means whoever's name is the first to show is the top actor in the in the film.

One title sequence that is appealing is Black Swan which is also an example of a discrete title sequence as it doesn't give away the plot of film but it sets the mood that is going to be expected when watching it. The title sequence opens with harmonious classical music which contrasts' with how fast the actors names are appear because the music is calmly upbeat and the typing is quite fast and jittery. This quickly switches to a more fearful feel when ink is spilled onto a ballerinas skirt, the ink then continues to spill all over the actress. As the title sequence is black and white the ink could be blood but because we can't tell, it leaves the audience in suspense. This then starts to leave a ominous feeling. The ink or blood then starts to move in rhythm with music as the music starts to become more advanced in volume. As the title sequence draws to an ending, the audience is left puzzlement and a wondering what is going to happen. This movie gained acknowledgement by the main actor Natalie Portman as she is a very successful actress.

Another title sequence that caught my eye was the stepfather. It starts off with tense music and then it shows the camera looking up onto the house which is typical in the genre of horror and it then proceeds to show the stepfathers grooming tools which shows a sense of psychotic behaviour because everything exactly where it should and it the background there is a recurring image of the colour red which connotes danger, After this it shows the stepfather shaving his beard and taking off his contact lenses. In the background the song "silent night plays in the background which contrasts with what is happening in the title sequence because the stepfather is in the middle of a murder scene which makes it more strange however, that makes it more enticing making the audience want to watch more.

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