Thursday 6 October 2016

Analysis of other groups viedo

3. Lara, Denya, Marina, Hiba from 283goswellg on Vimeo.

I found this film opening very interesting and fascinating as it kept me intrigued with the different shots and sound effects as well as effects to make me want know what happens in the rest of the film.
I really thought the effect of loosing signal and sketchy tv was effective as it brought a tense atmosphere to the film. I also thought that when Jessica Thompson (the missing girl) was running it showed it in her perspective through the heart beat and loud panting as well as the angle of the camera being a close up and it was tracking her.
I think the way they used light was very good as when the camera tracked the acids and the lab liquids it played with the aspect of light as the camera moved which made it seem there was more depth to the story and that it has a darker side.
What was really effective was when the film opening cut in between the news presenter and the girl who went missing so it gave us the aspect of both what the public would usually see and the perspective of the missing girl, so the audience knows something the characters don't.
At the end of the clip there was an extremely effective match shot as the object was the tree and the girl and as she turned her head the camera followed around the tree and on the other side was the 3 mysterious men that were chasing her this was a very thrilling moment of the clip.

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