Thursday 6 October 2016


22. Kenny, David, Tristen, Thabiti from 283goswellg on Vimeo.

The reason i chose this title sequence as my favourite, is due to the fact that the plot was very simple, however they achieved the brief to a very good standard by using the techniques they've been taught. From the very beginning, as an audience we are enticed by the growing sounds of police sirens and the faded, flashing text. This gives us an idea of the genre (crime, thriller, drama) whilst encourages us to keep on watching. The whirling sirens with the faint sounds of footsteps, set the scene of a police chase. The blacked out screen highlights the credentials to prove the fact that this is an opening scene to a film. The first piece of filmography we see is a tracking shot of a guy running down the road. This allows the audience to further identify with the genre of a thriller due to the fast pace action within the first scene.

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