Friday 14 October 2016

Title Sequence Analysis

Title Sequence Analysis- Skyfall (2012)

The title sequence begins with the main protagonist falling deep under water. The toned down lighting suggests a fated doom. It is easy to assume the person falling is the main actor Daniel Craig.

An image of the famous James Bond falling deeper into the sea is shown as the title of the film appears, this is done deliberately to engage the audience using this creative approach. He is also doing the same thing as the title because he has fallen from the sky into the sea and eventually being sucked in.

Then a cardboard cutout of James Bond appear with numbers and blood coming out of the chest showing that he is being targeted whilst the background colour remains the same blue colour from before, this also contrast because blue is a calming and relaxed colour which makes the red stand out more more, this tell the audience that could be the most dangerous mission that James Bond will have to encounter.

A series of silhouettes of weapons (knives and guns) start to show which reinforces the fact that James Bond's mission is dangerous due to the toned down lighting. When the lighting goes down it makes it seem more mysterious leaving the audience more intrigued.

Suddenly the blue background gradually turns into a red background and red connotes danger, desire and power. Desire is not any new for James Bond as he is known for having a lot of love interests

A woman is now holding a gun, again the use of the toned down lighting is foreshadowing something bad is going to happen, there is now a change of the motif of James Bond facing the camera as it is now a woman facing the camera.

Now there are black and white images of rotating guns and outlines of women with hints of smoke, this connotes that these images are of a significance to the film and it gives a clue to the audience about what will continue to happen throughout the film.

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