Thursday 6 October 2016

Prelim kaeja

23. Tina, Mohamud, Kaeja, Klaudia from 283goswellg on Vimeo.

I think the way we used lighting was good because it portrayed the tense atmosphere in the scene and the intense setting and situation. Also the way the music was used intensified the piece because it was dramatic and fit to the situation keeping it entertaining and the viewer wanting to know what happens next. The cut in of the briefcase was effective at the start of the piece as it showcased the main feature of the clip and would make the audience pay attention to it even more and want to discover why this briefcase was highlighted at the start. There were also different shots all the way through so the audience can experience that characters thoughts or emotions especially in the over the shoulder shots when we were able to see everything from the receivers view. Overall i think this was a well developed piece however could do with better final touchers to make the editing look a bit more tidy.

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