Monday 17 October 2016

Target audience homework

Target audience is a specific group something is aimed at to fit the needs of that group for example this is used ina daily basis for marketing toys, films, clothes etc.

How does this exist in films?
Usually films are categorised to fit certain needs of certain individuals, for films the target audience is most commonly set up due to age. For exmaple there are rated films depending on your age.  A motion picture rating system is designated to classify films with regard to suitability for audiences in terms of issues such as sex, violence, substance abuse, profanity, impudence or other types of mature content. A particular issued rating can be called a certification, classification, certificate or rating.
Films aimed at Children have more lighthearted settings, connotations and imagery as a lot of children's films use animation and if not they usually have young characters and a storyline that will interest them which tend to be more imaginary then real-life fictional.  A lot of children's films also have a moral unlike adult films as it teaches kids in a very subtle way morals.

As the rated age gets higher for films there is more leeway in what is presented such as more violence and sexual themes are shown and more concepts that apply to teen life so it is more relatable and would attract a teen audience.

Likewise with Adult films more real life situations with adults are presented so it is identifiable with that specific audience. Adult films (over 18) are also more graphic and could harm the person who watches it mentally so there films are rated 18 so the adult is able to make their own choice whether they want to watch it or not.

As well as age classifications there is also class categories  which are layed out like
E - Unemployed, Students, Pensioners,D - Semi Skilled Manual Workers,C2- Working class - e.g Skilled Manual Workers, Plumbers,C1- Working class - e.g. Nurses,B- Middle class - e.g Teachers,A - Upper class - e.g Bankers and lawyers


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