Friday 14 October 2016

What makes a good title sequence according to Kyle Cooper

Kyle Cooper is known for his excellent work on title sequences and mainly his work on the sequence for the film 'Seven' and is now known as 'the man who single handedly revitalised the title sequence as an art form'. Cooper believes there are three main requirements for making a good title sequence which are: it must set an expectation for the film so the audience have a general understanding of what may happen, it must  create excitement within the audience alluring them to continue watching and the sequence must travel seamlessly into the film
Cooper then started to explain how the font he used for the film 'Seven' was important. He says to us that the font was hand written in order to show the character ' scratching his emotions' and also said that the 'type adds to the overall tone'.
Kyle Cooper then goes on to say that the films 'Deadzone' and 'To Kill a Mockingbird' where the two title sequences that inspired him most.

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