Monday 23 January 2017

Q6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The technology i have found most valuable in this is definitely the camera and the editing software. The camera we used allowed us to capture great shots with great image quality and movement.  The editing software allowed me to focus on improving and adding to the aspect of the genre and the tone we wanted to create. I used premier to overlap shots and create the delusional effect that gave the impression of a disturbed girl and a mental state of mind. The editing also was effective because it allowed us to clip videos and position them in order etc. When creating the ident i used an 'logo maker' and downloaded my end product onto the video drive and then imported it into after effects  with a transition effect so it was able to create the breaking glass effect that we see happen to our logo " 22 Visuals".  From feedback we also got back that the 'glitchy' effect was really good because it created the imaginary aspect, so that is also something that is valuable in our piece. For this i got a video from youtube of a glitch and imported it into premier and took down the opacity so it would show on the screen when the man appears but more vaguely.
Technology is extremely essential to make a title sequence without it there wouldnt be one because it relies so much on technology. At the start of this process i didnt think that technology would have played a big part of this as much in terms of editing as i assumed we would keep it simplistic by just croping clips and putting them together however through this i learnt how important and the significance of effects and layering of sounds and tech as a whole is induced in making a title sequence.

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