Wednesday 4 January 2017


My overall grade for the blogging health check 2 was 15/20 resulting in a grade B; i was quite satisfied with this grade as i know there are things to be improved on in the future but i am content with the posts that have been uploaded. 


 My strengths included mostly detailed research posts as i take my time to ensure i have included enough information and facts within the post. Also during the filming process we remembered to take some photographs specifically for the blog in order to post about the costumes, lighting, and mise en scene whilst filming. 

My weaknesses include a lack of blog posts during the production period. I am aware that during the filming process our group should've taken more time to focus on the blog rather than just the filming and editing as we are graded on both and it shows our creative journey throughout. I think to improve on this issue - next time we will allocate two people to edit during the lesson whilst the other two gather some photos or clips and collate a blog post on our filming and editing process. The missing posts i will take some time out of lesson to catch up on, as there are some which have been forgotten about, to ensure all the relevant posts are up on the blog giving the viewer a clear representation to what our opening sequence may entail and the thought process behind it. 

Overall, the targets i have been given will be achieved as soon as possible to keep the blog consistent in order to achieve a higher grade and a more coherent plan. I will begin a blogging schedule to keep all the posts up to date, and will also ask a friend or family member to look over each post just for a second opinion. 

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