Tuesday 24 January 2017


When editing our opening sequence, the transitions for the titles were left until the end. This was since we knew exactly what we wanted them to look like and wanted everything in chronological order so they would flow seamless into the moving image. Our titles started with white typography on a black screen - this was since it was a very common feature of films of the same or similar genre. Whilst looking at other films titles, in particular we focused on 'Memento', we decided that we wanted quite minimalist transitions in order to make them flow into each other more effectively. 

The gif above shows our final product for our titles. We achieved this affect on after effects, a software which we were all unfamiliar with. We started off by typing in the text we wanted and chose the font, we chose sans serif as it was popular in the genre of our choice. We then chose a fade in effect and placed it on top of the text and did the exact same for the fade out.    

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