Monday 23 January 2017

Q4-Who would be the audience for your media product ?


Audience- The assembled spectators or listeners at a public event such as a play, film, concert, or meeting. 

Target audience-  A particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed.

Audience is extremely important because they helps you make decisions about what content and information you should included and how you should arrange it . Target audience also influences the tone and structure of your media . Without an audience  you don't have any one to look at your work so audience give you content a significance and a purpose whether that is to inform or educate them. It is also the audience that contributes to the success of your media helping you gain profit .

After gathering some information from BFI statistics I have collected information based on a very similar film to my own called “The Black Swan”  from this I have been able to piece together what kind of people would enjoy my opening sequence. As you can see below, there is a rough outline of this.

As you can see  the YouGov profile of Black swan confirms that the majority of audience members were women aged 25-39.  They tend to read magazines and newspapers and a popular pet for them is cats.We Conducted spoken survey were we asked random people between the age range of 25-31 particular questions based upon our survey. For addition research we did a public random survey. And from the research we know that the YouGov profiles are corrected and that our audience will be aimed at the following age.We also asked student the age of 16-18 if the had any particular interest in our film and the did. From this research we came  to conclusion of who are target audience would be and it was clear that both ages mentioned above would be in this .

An example of the audience for our film is Anna Wicks.Who matches all the information set in the YouGov site above.

As you can see from the information Anna wicks is within the age of 25-39 which makes her a perfect example of target audience. She also has a strong interest in thrillers and books of similar genre.

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