Monday 5 December 2016

Pictures for evidence of filming

This picture of Kirsty shows one of our locations for her walking scene and Sophie is in the background behind the bushes for the shot we wanted to create. In this shot Kaeja filmed and over the shoulder of Sophie staring at Kirsty from behind the bushes and the film was focused on the figure of the man.        

 In this picture Sophie is dressed in her mysterious man outfit but her face will remain hidden throughout the future scenes. This is the location where she makes another encounter with this man and continues to be confused and feel scared by this moment. We purposely used this location and setting because it is filled with abandoned shops and is generally quite isolated which helped us portray our protagonists fear and helplessness.
This is the picture that is used when Kirsty receives the picture message of herself when she believes she is home alone in the bathroom. This is also the ending location for the film and the moment of suspense.

This picture shows Sophie prepping the camera for the alley way shot of Kirsty walking down, because the ally was a hill and Kirsty was walking down it we didn't want her to come across threatening a powerful so the camera was adjusted so it looked more of a normal height eye level to Kirsty.

In this image of Naomi she was also prepping the camera further down the alley so we could continue Kirsty's walk as she continues her journey for this shot Naomi went on the other side of the bar to get a different angle and a close up of Kirsty's face.

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